środa, 30 listopada 2011

Kilka ciekawych artykułów...

·       J. Schroeder, Visual Analysis of Images in Brand Culture

Article argues for an art historical imagination within advertising research, one that reveals how representational conventions - or common patterns of portraying objects, people, or identities - work alongside rhetorical processes in ways that often elude advertising research. Several new theoretical concepts, including snapshot aesthetics - the growing use of snapshot-like imagery in marketing communication - and the transformational mirror of consumption - which reflects basic assumptions about how advertising works - provide productive directions for research. 

·        G. Langlois, Meaning, semiotechnologies and participatory media

This article offers a different perspective on the question of meaning by arguing that if we are to study meaning to understand the cultural logic of digital environments, we should not focus on the content of what users are saying online, but rather on the conditions within which such a thing as user expression is possible in the first place. 

·      S. Kember & J. Zylinska, Creative media between invention and critique, or what’s still at stake in performativity?

 This special issue of Culture Machine on Creative Media emerges out of a call-for-papers which was at the same time a call-to-arms and a call-to-arts. It was aimed at intellectuals, writers, philosophers, artists, analysts, scientists, journalists and media professionals who were prepared to say something about the media that extended beyond the conventional forms of media analysis. Our initial search for creative media projects was thus also an invitation to enact a different mode of doing media studies. 

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